International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE) seeks submissions of research papers, reviewed articles and book reviews from all research scholars doing research in the field of engineering, those involved in planning and executing engineering applications, academicians teaching engineering and last but not the least, all those like-minded people who take keen interest in reading, writing and professing on engineering dynamics and its impact with regard to the society IJARSE thrives in the philosophy that the future can be shaped better with the aid of breakthrough engineering and that engineering research as an area in the present context holds tremendous potential to bring sea-change in the prevailing global scenario. It is YOU, as researchers, scholars, academicians, industrialists and entrepreneurs to step forward to unveil the knowledge treasure in the form of breakthrough findings with strong engineering extension to the existing body of knowledge thus, acting as catalyst to enable the society to progress and prosper like never before.
Researchers, academicians, scholars are encouraged to submit their papers/ reviewed articles/book reviews etc to the following e-address:
Chief Editor
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE)
In order to have an impression about the preference of IJARSE towards publishing research papers and reviewed articles in the realm of engineering, IJARSE team has classified the discipline of engineering in order to facilitate the authors and researchers in selecting their area of interest and expertise for the purpose of writing and submitting the papers to IJARSE. They are as under:
Major Branches:-
Chemical Engineering: Material, Process, Molecular Engineering
Civil Engineering: Geotechnical, Structural, Transportation, Environmental Engineering
Electrical Engineering: Electronic, Computer, Power, Optical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: Vehicle, Thermal, Acoustical Engineering
Interdisciplinary and Specialized Fields
Industrial Engineering: Manufacturing, Component, Systems, Construction, Safety Engineering
Applied Engineering: Automation/Control Systems/Mechatronics/Robotics
Biological Engineering: Biomedical, Genetic, Biochemical, Tissue, Protein Engineering
Mechatronics: Robotics, Instrumentation Engineering, Avionics
Nuclear Engineering
Agricultural Engineering: Bioprocess, Food, Aquaculture Engineering
Petroleum Engineering: Reservoir, Drilling, Production
Applied Science :
You are suggested to focus your paper in any of the abovementioned sub-areas. Although sub-areas have been mentioned but you are FREE to contribute in the area of your choice pertaining to any field of engineering. If found appropriate and relevant, IJARSE also encourage those papers which are connecting to the aim and objective of IJARSE, in some or the other manner.